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Customized workplace solutions
Dispute Resolution Design

Organizations can benefit from a clear dispute resolution process that maximizes early intervention and resolution, and minimizes potential of conflict escalation.  Ask us about our organizational consultancy services for dispute resolution design and implementation for your organization.  This review specifically assesses any existing dispute resolution processes and recommends certain and specific changes to provide additional transparency, fairness, and legitimacy of the process.  

Facilitated Dialogue

A process where a facilitator may host a series of conversations aimed at promoting collaborative dialogue, understanding, and respectful guidelines in the workplace.  While some dialogue results in issue or dispute resolution, the goal of dialogue is to build positive communication in the workplace.  

It also helps to establish agreeable guidelines on respectful conduct and communication in the workplace by consensus building.

Conflict Assessments

Is a process where a conflict specialist is contracted to assess the conflict in the workplace, including drivers and sources of conflict, and recommends strategies for improving workplace wellness.  Assessments are done by confidential surveys, interviews, and other tools.  Conflict drivers may be due to structural (inadequate or opaque policies and procedures), relational, power imbalances, data insufficiencies, etc.  The conflict specialist provides a report to management with recommendations.

Individual Conflict Coaching

A process where a conflict coach would assist an employee or employer (coachee) to navigate conflict situations by one on one coaching and mentoring.  

The intent is mindfulness, and behaviour modification over time, and acknowledgement of need for assistance.